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Lesson 50 – Presentative Sentences in French

  1. theory
    noteworthy English / French differences
  2. exercises 🔥


a) definition

presentatives are words or phrases used to present, to announce something or someone. (Dictionnaire Le Robert, 2022)

b) presentatives

in French, « voici, voilà, il y a (il est), c’est » are presentative words

Voici Steve McQueen, le roi du « cool ».

Here’s Steve McQueen, the King of Cool.

Et voilà Snedronningen, la reine du « cool ».

Here’s Snedronningen, the Queen of Cool.


Il y a un robot danois Ă  la porte et il attend.

There’s a danish robot at the door and it’s waiting.


Il Ă©tait temps.

It was about time.


C’est l’heure !

It’s time !

 c) noteworthy English / French differences

English and French vary in many ways, and it’s especially true in regard of presentatives 


Le chocolat, c’est bon.
Chocolate is good.

relative subordinate

Des arbres ? Il y en a qui poussent ici.
Trees ? Some grow here.

neutral pronoun “something”

Voici Ă  manger.

Here’s something to eat.


Sur cette machine, il y a Ă©crit quelque chose.

Something is written on this machine.




#1. Peanut butter is good.

#2. Peanuts ? Some grow here.

#3. It was about time !

#4. Here's the fortune I made selling three-legged monkeys peanuts.

#5. And here's the beach house I bought with the sum.


