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Lesson 40B – The subjunctive mood in French

  1. theory
  2. exercises 🔥


a) use

2. when thinking and hoping in interrogative or negative

Elle ne pense pas que Steve soit un robot désagréable

She doesn’t think Steve is a rude robot


Croyez-vous que Timber et Josie aient fini de manger ?

Do you think Timber and Josie are done eating?


Souhaitez-vous que je réponde à ce message ?

Would you like me to respond to this message?


3. with opinions coupled with “il est” and adjectives of value

Il est bon que Steve soit Ă  la maison

It’s good that Steve is home


4. with verbs expressing strong emotions

Je déplore que cette famille soit pour la mise au monde de Robotron 444, le robot mi-homme mi-cheval sans tête

I regret that this family is for the birth of Robotron 444, the half-man, half-headless horse robot


5. when requesting, commanding, preferring, forbidding, allowing

Il préfère que le repas soit servi dans un bol multifacettes en cristal Daum

He prefers the meal to be served in a Daum crystal multifaceted bowl


6. when coupled with a superlative followed by que + opinion

C’est le plus beau piston qu’on puisse trouver à Nadi

This is the most beautiful piston you can find in Nadi


7. a number of expressions : afin que (so that), quel que (whatever), bien que (although) …

Bien que ce piston ne soit qu’une pièce rigide de section circulaire coulissante, il fait tout de même un travail remarquable

Although this piston is only a rigid piece of sliding circular section, it still does a remarkable job


/!\ the subjunctive mood is not used when the two subjects of different clauses are identical

Je veux que je fasse  >>>  Je veux faire




#1. It's interesting that you're reading this book because I'm reading it too

#2. They don't want me to set this building on fire ...

#3. I believe that this building must disappear from the surface of the globe

#4. Don't you think that this construction is dated?

#5. It's the tallest Zircon skyscraper the Earth has ever had


